Anglian Section March 2025

Thanks to the dozen or so who 'endured' our ad hoc meander (we certainly didn't go the direct route). 

One family member was chuffed that he'd done 130 effortless miles on his fresh mount - until he remembered the speedo was in km! 

Sun was out, blossom in the hedgerows, potholes being filled ready for the summer. Marvellous.

And nice to see a few more meeting us at the lunch stop - although they had finished eating before we arrived. 

In the attached photos you will notice the rotary Norton that joined us. Owner Ian will be giving us a talk at our clubnight on April 8th on his experiences of long-term Norton rotary ownership, with a bit of technical info and history thrown in.  Hopefully there will be some 'things' to touch and look at too. Come along to find out more about an unusual machine.  

Next up: 

Thriplow Daffodil weekend this weekend 22&23rd March.