2nd Tuesday of the month was the evening of our club night. This month it was our AGM , followed by a talk.


It is a talk on fuel by our very own Bob ‘Vehicle Emissions – Dispelling the Myths’. The presentation aimed to explain the problem of vehicle gaseous emissions, emission legislation, how emissions are controlled and the issue of ‘Dieselgate’ and the ensuing fallout.

Bob is not only an extremely competent restorer of vintage motorcycles – his Sunbeam took the concours award at the recent BBQ – but is clearly well qualified to talk on the subject – he writes: 

“After a 30-year engineering career in the vehicle and engine industry as a researcher and a consultant I joined the Caterpillar-Perkins organisation. New, severe emission legislation had been laid down and I spent 2 years surveying the available solutions to define the companies new “technology strategy”. As “Programme Director” I then lead the concept and production design of a range of new engines that entered production in 2009.  (4 Valve, common rail with DPF, EGR and SCR/adblue.)”


Many thanks go to Bob for his talk and for ‘combusting’ some of the myths around fuel, and diesel in particular. To hear that modern diesel vehicles are cleaning the air in our cities is remarkable. 


The committee that agreed to remain in post for another year –


The minutes and accounts will be circulated soon. Keep an eye on your email inbox!


At the AGM we asked for a show of hands for a survey. We are conscious that some of you may have entirely valid reasons for not attending, if you can’t make it please share your thoughts on the following: Historically our formal runs (i.e. route card, signing on etc) have been on a Sunday. As we look towards next year’s calendar we are assessing whether this remains appropriate.This year we trialled a run on a Saturday but turnout was poor – which is clearly a disappointment for the organisers. The reasons to try a Saturday were to avoid clashes with other events and perhaps have a greater choice with pubs – both in terms of availability and menu choice. I appreciate weather / clashes with other events / family gatherings etc can impact attendance on any given date. But given other things being equal (ceteris paribus I think it’s called), and where we have a choice, do you have a preference for events being held on a Saturday or Sunday, or does it make no difference? Let Martyn know!

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