Uncle Mike’s List of Events and Runs

Please note that some roads we explore are narrow with potholes and loose surfaces. Please ensure your machine is safe and roadworthy. It is a requirement that all participants have their own adequate insurance. Riders participate at their own risk. 

In the event of heavy rain anticipated, rides may be cancelled by email at short notice.

2025 DateEventRide Leader
Wednesday 1st JanuaryClassics on the Green at Barrington from midday. Note – also occurs on the evening of the first Friday of each month April – September. 
Tuesday 14th JanuaryClub Night – Drew’s Motorcycle Quiz. (Venue details below).Drew Down
Thursday 23rd JanuarySection Christmas lunch at White Swan Connington. (Now fully booked)Drew Down Chris Renyolds
Tuesday 11th February Section Committee Meeting @ 7.00-7.30   Club Night – Speaker arranged. 
Sunday 16th FebruaryDe Havilland Museum visit and tour. 
Tuesday 11th March Club Night – Bring & Buy Evening planned Section Committee Meeting @ 7.00-7.30 
Wednesday 2nd AprilRun from Johnsons of Old Hurst. 10.30 for coffee. Depart at 11.00. Likely back at St Ives for lunch.Martyn Blunt
Sunday 6th AprilRun from Bottisham Airfield Museum to TTT Motorcycles. Meet with the Essex Section envisaged.TBC
Sunday 6th April   Frank and Ida Allen Memorial Run. Kings Lynn Section event.  (Dick Fendick 07990 501148) 
Tuesday 8th AprilClub Night Speaker arranged. 
Wednesday 16th AprilBrian Archer’s ride. Meet at Conington Airfield Café 10.30 for 11.00 depart. Meet with the South Lincs and Peterborough Section envisaged.Brian Archer
Saturday 19th AprilSoham Town Rangers Classic Vehicle Show 12-5. Mick Gipp 01353 721589 / 07759 928376 
Sunday 20th AprilJohn Abraham’s Memorial Run – Vintage and Veteran machines only (i.e. pre 1931). Bottisham Airfield Museum start 10.30. Lunch at The Woolpack Fornham St MartinMartyn Blunt
Friday 25th   AprilCheffins auction viewing. Meet at Wilburton Garden Centre at 12 noon for lunch. Auction on Saturday. 
Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th AprilStafford Motorcycle Show 
Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th AprilSaffron Walden Crank Up – Carver Barracks near Saffron Walden. CB10 2YA (www.swcrankup.co.uk) 
Sunday 27th AprilSouth Links and Peterborough April Showers Run. 
Monday 5th MayBank Holiday. Royston Historic Vehicle Day.  Royston town centre car park. 11.15am to 3.30pm.  
Tuesday 6th MayRide a Bike Night. The Hoops, Barton 6pm-8pm 
Wednesday 7th MayRide to the Station Café, Rayne. Gather from 10 at Café 19, Duxford Community Centre, CB22 4RE. Depart at 10.30.Stuart Bennett
Sunday 11th May    The Roger and Arthur King Girder Fork Run. Starts at the Shefford Memorial Hall 10 for 10.30am.  
Sunday 11th MayBottisham Airfield Museum – Classic Vehicle Show 
Tuesday 13th MayNormal Club Night. Sur la terrace!   
Wednesday 14th MayMeet the Bedford Section for lunch at Shuttleworth.  Gather at Waresley Garden Centre at 10.30 for a 11.00 depart.Martyn Blunt
Saturday 17th MayKings Lynn Section Run Malcolm Rolph 01842 811077 
Sunday 18th MayDistinguished Gentleman’s Ride. For more info refer to:  https://www.gentlemansride.com/ 
Wednesday 21st May        Run to the Blue Egg beyond Finchingfield.  Meet at Duxford Café 19 at 10am for a coffee. Depart at 10.30. Martyn Blunt
Sunday 25th MayThe Houghton Mill Run. Morning run only finishes with lunch at about 1.30pm.   Drew Down
Wednesday 28th MayVisit to Krazy Horse motorcycles at Bury St. Edmunds (for breakfast if you want). Then on to The Fox at Ousden for lunch. Meet at Bottisham Airfield Museum from 10.30 for coffee. Aim to set off at 11.00.Dave Pink
Saturday 31st MayLeave Duxford Community Café at 10.30 for a ride to TTT Motorcycles then to The Fox at Ousden for Lunch.Stuart Bennett
Sunday 1st JuneSunbeam Motorcycle Club Rose of the Shires Run 
Tuesday 3rd JuneSummer Ride-a-Bike Night – The Hoops Barton 6-8pm 
Wednesday 4th JuneMeet the Kings Lynn Section for lunch.  Meet at the Johnsons of Old Hurst café at 10am for coffee, depart at 10.30 to lunch at the Five Miles from Anywhere Pub at Upware.Martyn Blunt
Sunday 8th June“Gutless Wonders” Run. Open to tiddlers, veterans, cyclemotors, autocycles and other low powered machines. Start at Bottisham Airfield Museum. We will lunch at The Fox at Ousden. If 50 miles is an adventure, this is the run for you.      Martyn Blunt
Sunday, 8th JuneVMCC Banbury Run, at British Motor Museum, Gaydon, Warwickshire 
Tuesday 10th June Section Committee Meeting @ 7.00-7.30   Normal Club Night. Sur la terrace! 
Wednesday 11th JuneMidweek Social Rode. Meet at Waresley Garden Centre at 10.30 am.  Destination TBC. Steeple Morden?Martyn Blunt
Wednesday 18th JuneRoyston & District Motor Cycle Club. Eternit Sports & Social Club (SG8 5RL).1830 until dark £5 (cash) entry. Anyone fancy leading a group ride to the event?TBC
Sunday June 22nd  Cambridge Museum of Technology annual Classic Bike Show. 
Wednesday 25th JuneRun to Tarka’s Café (Baythorne End). Gather at 10.30 at Bottisham Airfield Museum for depart at 11.00.Martyn Blunt
Sunday 29th JuneSocial run to The Woolpack at Fornham St Martin to meet the Kings Lynn and Suffolk sections. Scope to call in at Krazy Horse after lunch if you want.Martyn Blunt
Tuesday 1st   JulySummer Ride-a-Bike Night – The Hoops Barton 6-8pm   
Wednesday 2nd JulyMidweek social ride. Gather at Bottisham Airfield Museum for a coffee at 10.30.  Depart at 11.00 to lunch at The Fox at OusdenMartyn Blunt
Friday 4th July                         Meet on Barrington Green by the Royal Oak Pub.  This is their main summer evening meeting for Classic and Vintage cars. 
Saturday 5th / Sunday 6th JulyKings Lynn Section Veteran and Vintage Weekend. Fendicks Fisheries. 
Tuesday 8th – Friday 11th TBCSummer Break ???Martyn Blunt
Tuesday 8th JulyNormal Club Night. Sur la terrace!   
Sunday 13th July“Fen Tigers” Run. Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club event for pre-1940 machines. 
Monday 14th – Saturday 19th JulyTouring Section Breckland Week based at Fendicks Fishery near Methwold– Paul Fletcher 01245 321573 / 07719 463620 
Friday 18th JulyCheffins auction viewing. Meet at Wilburton Garden Centre at 12 noon for lunch. Auction on Saturday. 
Sunday 20th JulyVMCC Founders Day. Stanford Hall.    
Wednesday 23rd July       Stuart’s epic trip to the Brocket Arms, Ayot St Lawrence.  Meet at Phillimore Garden Centre, Melbourn 10am for a 10.30 departure.  Stuart Bennett
Sunday 27th JulyThe Albert Brown Run, Wilden, Bedford. Pre book only. 
Sunday 3rd AugustThe Hobbson’s Choice Run. 10.30am at Orchard Farm, Eltisley. Mike has kindly agreed to let us use the farm as a starting point – we should all be able to find it by now. Morning ride only to a pub lunch.Mike Hobbs
Tuesday 5th AugustSummer Ride-a-Bike Night – The Hoops Barton 6-8pm   
Wednesday 6th AugustMel’s Tortoise run. Meet Waresley Garden Centre at 10.30 or at the Silver Ball (at Reed near Royston) for 12.00 for a fry up. Then back to Fowlmere for some Ginger cake.Tony Porter     Mel Vinton
Tuesday 12th August          Normal Club Night. Sur la terrace. 
Sunday 17th AugustSaffron Walden Motor Show 
Sunday 17th AugustBottisham Airfield Museum – Classic Vehicle Show 
Wednesday 20th August  Chairman’s Garden Party.  Visit to see Roger Burton’s O gauge train layout.  Meet at Bottisham Airfield Museum. Depart at 10.45 to ride to The Fox at Ousden for lunch then back through the lanes to arrive at Rogers place at 2.30 ish.  Roger Burton   Martyn Blunt
Sunday 24th AugustAnglian Section Concours and Lunchtime Barbecue at The Hoops, Barton. Gather from midday. Food ready about 1. There will be a small charge for food for non VMCC members.Martyn Blunt
Wednesday 27th AugustMeet at Wilburton Garden Centre 10.30 am, then a ride to Sunny Hunny for whatever takes your fancy. Ivor Muncey
Tuesday 2nd SeptemberSummer Ride-a-Bike Night – The Hoops Barton 6-8pm   
Wednesday 3rd September   Fish & Chips in Clare, Suffolk.  Meet at Bottisham Airfield Museum 10.30am. Arrive at Clare at about 12.30pm.Dave Pink
Sunday September 7th  The Constable Run. From Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, run by the Sunbeam Club.  Pre 1940 machines only. 
Tuesday 9th September   Club night probably the last sur la terrace! Film show if wet. 
Sunday 14th SeptemberThe “Arkesden” 1930s Run.   Gather at 10am at Arkesden Village Hall for a 10.30 departure. All machines that were on the road in the 1930’s.John Barrett
Wednesday 17th September.Ride to Three Horseshoes at Graveley. Meet 10.30 at Conington Airfield café for a 11.00 departure.Martyn Blunt
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd SeptemberKop Hill Climb https://kophillclimb.org.uk/ 
Sunday October 5thBottisham Airfield Museum – Classic Vehicle Show 
Sunday 5th OctoberTHE Pioneer Run by the Sunbeam Club.  
Tuesday 7th OctoberClub Night. AGM (& speaker TBC) 
Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th OctoberClassic Motorcycle Mechanics Show, Stafford.   
Sunday 12th OctoberKings Lynn Section Pre-31 and Girder Fork Machines Run. 
Friday 17th OctoberCheffins auction viewing. Meet at Wilburton Garden Centre at 12 noon for lunch. Auction on Saturday. 
Sunday 19th OctoberSouth Lincs & Peterborough Section Autumn Leaves Run. Stibbington Diner 10.30am, Peterborough.    
Saturday 25th OctoberP&A Wood visit. 
Tuesday 11th NovemberClub Night Speaker 
Tuesday 9th DecemberClub Night Speaker TBC 

Club night venue is Fulbourn Sports and Social Club, Capital Park Point, Fulbourn Old Drift, Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5DE. 

Rides to ‘fit in’ subject to weather:

  • Norfolk coast?
  • Lodges museum tour?
  • Steve Todds Museum?
  • Great War Huts?
  • Meet the Bedford section – Jordans Mill / Shuttleworth?
  • Tempsford Museum – Open the first Sunday of every month (except January) 2pm-4pm.
  • Ashdon Museum – Easter Sunday to the end of October – Sundays and Bank Holidays – 2-5pm
  • Ridgewell Airfield Museum – open selected Sundays

Volunteers requested for ride leaders where “TBC” noted.

If anyone is notified of anything else that may be of interest to Anglian Section members, please let me know and I will add it in and send it round again, updating the list as I go.